Education and formation

The oceans, up to this day, remain an unknown and distant space. Currently there is a great scientific effort focused on the study of the ocean and it is in constant improvement. Showing knowledge in a near, educational and lively way is the distinguishing mark of Anèl·lidesserveis ambientals, adapting it to the needs of our users.

Educamar service introduces the intrinsic knowledge of this medium, from a sustainable and respectful vision. Through innovative activities, a complement to the learning carried out by children and young people in educational centers is offered and an added value is given to the knowledge of adults with educational ways out.

We also offer courses for an adult audience. We train them in specialised marine issues. We offer the necessary tools and resources to give advice in educational centers and final projects related to the sea.


Educational activities of the centers

The educational activities are adapted to the content that is worked in each course:


Educational workshops

Because children and families share a joint educational experience


Courses and workshops

We train students, technicians and professionals and we offer a personal treatment to each student so as to contribute to their personal and professional growth.

Are you interesed? Contact us!