To achieve our main objective, in Anèl·lides, serveis ambientals marins we participate in the following projects:

UrbamarBio it’s a citizen science project that allows us to investigate with the help of the citizens and raise awareness about the litoral and marine richness of Barcelona, Sant Adrià del Besòs, Badalona, and Montgat.

Posidònia activa
The citizen science project Posidonia Activa takes place in the catalan seabed. Its goal is to map the non-protected Posidonia oceanica meadows.

MINKE is a European INFRAIA metrology project led by the Marine Science Institut (ICM-CSIC) that helps to provide the research infrastructures needed to improve the quality of oceanographic data.

Espai Mediterrani
Espai Mediterrani is a meeting point between entities and associations that carry out actions linked to the marine environment in Barcelona. We promote synergies, share experiences and develop actions in the territory.