To achieve our main objective, in Anèl·lides, serveis ambientals marins we offer the following activities:

Walk through the Port of Barcelona where, through an entertaining explanation, we discover its curiosities, history and current affairs.

The evolution and current situation of the Port of Barcelona is explained, from a socio-economic and environmental point of view, to offer participants the data that allows them to assess, in a critical way, the importance of the port for the city, the need to have it and the resulting impacts.


  • Learn about the history of the Port of Barcelona.

  • Identify the main adversities that have affected the construction of the Port of Barcelona and the problems arising from it.

  • Discover the socio-economic importance of the port for Barcelona, Catalonia and also at national and European level.

  • Acquire the knowledge and data that will allow you to adopt a critical view of the Port of Barcelona.


Port de Barcelona


