To achieve our main objective, in Anèl·lides, serveis ambientals marins we offer the following activities:

Guided snorkeling
Snorkeling activity guided by marine biologists and oceanographers where we explore the natural richness of the Barcelona beaches and learn how to use the necessary equipment to carry out a safe practice. With the knowledge of our educators and help of our specialized marine guides we can identify the observed and photgraphed species during the snorkel activity.

Evening snorkel
Snorkel activity in the evening guided by biologists and oceanographers from 18h to 20h where we explore the natural richness of Barcelona beaches and learn how to use the necessary equioment to carry out a safe practice. With the knowledge of our educators and help of our specialized marine guides we can identify the observed and photgraphed species during the snorkel activity.

Night snorkel
Snorkel activity at night guided by biologists and oceanographers from 20h to 22h where we discover the nocturnal biodiversity that hides during the day and learn how to use the necessary equipment to carry out a safe practice. With the knowledge of our educators and help of our specialized marine guides we can identify the observed and photgraphed species during the snorkel activity.