We are an organization that promotes
knowledge and love for the marine environment.
Through dissemination, education and research.

Through educational workshops for schools and families, summer schools and summer camps dedicated to the sea and science, communication campaigns, counseling for companies, and specialized marine-themed training. Along with citizen science research projects, for the conservation and restoration of the marine environment.

The company name plays with the large phylum of segmented worms that can be found in marine environments from intertidal zones to hydrothermal springs and feminizes the noun annelids because it’s an organization created by women.

The symbol of Anèl·lides, serveis ambientals marins is a red Serpula vermicularis, one of the most beautiful and sensational Annelids that can be found on the Catalan coast. It lives in a limestone tube that can be closed with a funnel-shaped and pale pink operculum. It lives on rocks or shells, in groups of dozens of individuals, in shallow and calm waters up to 60 meters deep. It feeds by filtering the water and when the animal feels threatened it folds its filament into the tube.

Mission, vision and values

In Anèl·lides, we work to promote the conservation and teaching of the marine environment through:

  • Knowledge, learning new concepts and practices about the marine environment,
  • fostering critical thinking and ecological awareness, and transmitting values,
  • dissemination, reaching as many people as possible,
  • education, as a participatory, liberating and continuous instrument that supports change and hope,
  • and leisure, transmitting the ocean culture in a playful way.

These are essential tools to deal with the current problems of the sea and the coast.

Mission, vision and values

In Anèl·lides, serveis ambientals marins we aim to become a leading reference in the transformation of our environment, moving towards a society that respects the marine environment, enabling everyone to enjoy this space with greater understanding.

Mission, vision, and values

In Anèl·lides, serveis ambientals marins we formulate the following values as basic criteria:


We conceive new ethical references and establish a sense of shared responsibility for the environment.


We perform our company duties with diligence and seriousness.


We ensure that our messages convey the entity’s wishes clearly.


We use the best and most up-to-date information and scientific resources available to deal with environmental issues affecting the sea and coast.

Inclusion and integration

We prioritize workplace inclusivity and foster a sense of collaboration by encouraging all team members to contribute their opinions and ideas for improvement.


We promote and involve the participation of local communities in the resolution of environmental problems.

Independence and professional rigor

We guarantee rigor and technical competence as communicators, informants, and educators and independence from other companies, administrations, and political and trade union organizations.

Anèl·lides team

Andrea Comaposada Garcia

Andrea has a biology degree, specialized in environmental education and communication, director of children’s and youth leisure activities and specialized in environmental project coordination.

She loves the sea, either snorkeling, scuba diving, or free diving. She always has a camera with her to capture underwater moments and show the organisms that live on our coasts. She’s the founder and CEO of Anèl·lides, serveis ambientals marins.

Amor Martos Jurado

Amor is our administrative assistant, with whom you speak often but never see. She has a higher degree in Commercial Administration and a postgraduate degree in Digital Transformation for Companies. She has a great fascination for nature, animals, and sports.

She is a very positive and proactive person, passionate about sports and well-being. Her commitment is focused on offering practical, results-oriented solutions, with a clear vision toward innovation and sustainable growth.

You can find her in the Anèl·lides, serveis ambientals marins’ office doing all the booking management and customer service tasks.

Laura Colom Romero

Laura has a degree in human biology and a masters in marine biological resources. She’s specialized in marine conservation and has a big interest in scientific dissemination.

She has always been attracted to the sea and could spend hours observing the organisms both snorkeling and diving. She thinks extending knowledge about the sea and its problems is a crucial step in promoting the conservation of the marine ecosystem. She’s an environmental educator, leisure time monitor, and snorkel guide. She coordinates the environmental education and leisure time programs.

Marina Gonzàlez

Marina graduated from Marine Sciences and she’s studying for a master’s in Sustainable Management of Fisheries Resources. She specialized in conservation and management of the marine environment, having participated in several projects related to this area.

Passionate about the sea from an early age, she has always grown up rooted in it. She loves to snorkel and scuba dive to observe the marine biodiversity and to be able to raise awareness about the species we find in the sea. She’s a snorkeling guide, scuba diver, environmental educator and leisure time monitor. She coordinates the communication department and supports the scientific projects and educational activities

Laia Manyer

Laia has a degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences and specializes in the nautical field. She’s an environmental educator, surf instructor, leisure time monitor, and snorkel guide.

She has a great passion for sports in the natural environment and especially for the aquatic environment. She thinks that education and dissemination are key to creating an impact on society and helping protect the marine biodiversity that surrounds us. She takes part in the jugateques ambientals, the casal blau summer school, and all the activities related to education and leisure time.

Martina Cholbi

Martina has a degree in Marine Sciences and is a monitor and director of children’s and youth leisure activities.

The sea is one of her passions and she loves to continue learning about its biodiversity through snorkeling and scuba diving. She believes in the power of people to change things and that is why she is very interested in education, as well as the dissemination and conservation of the marine environment. She participates as an environmental educator in the jugateques ambientals, the casal del mar summer school, workshops in educational centers, and is an Anèl·lides snorkeling guide.

Bernat Peralta Poch

Bernat has a degree in biology, specialized in oceanography and marine environment management, PADI scuba diving instructor, and leisure time monitor.

He loves to teach and talk about any subject sea-related as well as teaching people in the incredible world of scuba diving. He has traveled and worked around the world and now has come back to pass on all this knowledge. He carries out the activities and projects that take place in the Tarragona area, as well as supporting company events.

Celia Vila

Celia es graduada en Ciencias de Mar especializada en mamíferos marinos. Su pasión siempre ha sido el mar.

Todos los veranos hace esnórquel, submarinismo y surf desde muy pequeña. Su otra obsesión es la enseñanza y la divulgación. Enseñar y explicar cosas siempre le ha gustado y dentro de la educación ambiental marina ha podido unir las dos pasiones.

Dentro de Anèl·lides participa como educadora ambiental en las jugatecas ambientales, en los talleres de centros educativos y es guía de esnórquel de Anèl·lides

Sofía Mañach Ferris

Sofía es técnica en Educación y Control Ambiental y monitora de ocio.

Está enamorada del mundo subacuático desde muy pequeña por eso fotografía toda la vida submarina que puede. Le fascina hacer esnórquel y submarinismo. Enseña sus fotografías a todo el mundo con el fin de que los otros también estimen el que ella estima y así conservar y proteger los ecosistemas y la vida marina. Además, le apasionan los niños, sobre todo los más pequeños, por su ilusión y pasión por todo aquello que todavía no conocen, es un placer enseñarles sobre el mar.

Participa dentro de Anèl·lides, serveis ambientals marins como educadora ambiental, guía de esnórquel, submarinista, monitora de ocio en los casales de verano.

Leire Muñoz Racero

Leire es graduada en Ciencias de Mar y monitora de ocio infantil.

Su pasión se despierta en la infancia con la curiosidad por la biología marina, la vida albergando en el océano, combinando su otra pasión por bucear y nadar. Fascinada por trabajar con niños/as, la enseñanza siempre ha sido un punto importante para su futuro. Cree firmemente en las nuevas generaciones y en poder, mediante la educación ambiental, ayudar a la sociedad a ver más allá de la costumbre, a fin de conservar y proteger los ecosistemas marinos.

Participa dentro de Anèl·lides, serveis ambientals marins, como educadora ambiental en los talleres y actividades en los centros educativos.

Mariona Claramunt

Mariona es graduada en Ciencias de Mar y monitora de ocio.

También es aficionada al esnórquel y al submarinismo, y le encanta todo lo que esté relacionado con el mar y los océanos. Cree que es muy buena idea hacer llegar el respeto por el medio marino a través de la divulgación y ocio, para que todo el mundo tenga la oportunidad de descubrir cómo de increíble es la vida marina. Con mucha motivación para dar a conocer y promover la conservación del medio marino.

Participa como educadora a las jugatecas ambientales, en talleres y actividades de Anèl·lides, serveis ambientals marins y hace de guía de esnórquel.

Andreu Gutiérrez Gallardo

L’Andreu és graduat en ciències del mar i divemaster per SSI.
La seva passió pel mar va sorgir des de petit, ja que des de sempre tots els estius els ha passat prop de la platja i dins l’aigua sempre que podia. Als 17 anys va descobrir el món del busseig i va entendre que el seu futur era al mar, cuidant-lo, estudiant-lo i apropant-lo a tots aquells que encara no el coneixen com el coneixem nosaltres.
Participa com a educador en tallers i activitats d’Anèl·lides, serveis ambientals marins.

Do you wan to be part
of our team?

In Anèl·lides, serveis ambientals marins we look for
motivated people, eager to work
in a team and sea lovers
to be part of
our team.


In Anèl·lides, serveis ambientals marins we have been working since 2016 to promote the conservation of the marine environment through education, dissemination, and citizen science. We believe that the involvement of citizens is key in conservation and in the

resolution of environmental problems, that is why, through our annual reports, we show all the objectives achieved by our organization year after year.

Annual reports / Learn about the work carried out by our organization