To achieve our main objective, in Anèl·lides, serveis ambientals marins we divide our services in several programs:
We offer activities and projects to develop marine responsibility in companies. We also create environmental education and outreach programs for leisure, education and culture companies.
With real-world application and creating meaningful interdisciplinary education

What is RSC-MAR?
Building marine environmental responsibility is important for conserving our oceans and for the future of future generations. Plastics and microplastics are one of the biggest current environmental problems that are affecting marine organisms, including the marine biodiversity of the Catalan coast.
To raise awareness about this problem, we propose to help build greater responsibility for your company through various training activities, experiences, citizen science and artistic recycling.
Main objectives
Promote awareness of the marine litter problem, as well as find solutions to promote recycling and the local and circular economy.
Approach and contribute to the recycling and reuse of waste through awareness and artistic recycling.
Critically evaluate human intervention in the environment and adopt behaviors that favor the protection of the natural environment.
Generate team building
Beaches in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona
to be determined by the client
to be determined by the client

What do we offer?
Catalogues of activities and projects specialized in environmental and marine environmental themes, custom-made for summer or school camps and companies in the cultural sector, education and socio-educational leisure that want to work on the knowledge of the natural environment, awareness and experimentation of the environment in an innovative, playful and approachable way.
We create personalized activities and projects dedicated to the natural environment and the natural marine environment
We bring the natural environment closer to culture, education and leisure through experimentation or environmental awareness
We establish connections between environmental, educational and cultural organizations
Companies in the cultural, educational and socio-educational leisure sector

What do we do?
The main function of the educational audits specialized in environmental or marine environmental issues that we carry out is to evaluate and review the catalogues of activities and projects carried out by education, leisure and culture companies, and subsequently renew and update the contents and activities, proposing improvements in terms of content and resources, as well as innovating in the methodologies used in the activities.
We update and review projects dedicated to the natural environment and marine environment
We innovate by looking for current educational methodologies to bring the natural environment closer
We review and verify activity programs and projects in order to update and innovate new content and educational tools
Companies in the cultural, educational and socio-educational leisure sector
Schools and Universities
Advice on projects carried out throughout the course specialized in marine subjects

What do we offer?
Advice and consultancy in final projects of high school, environmental and marine environmental degrees and master's degrees. The students can learn about the sea, its biodiversity, the ecosystem and the impacts by doing their final project with one of our coastal and sea study projects.
We advise final projects to promote knowledge of the marine environment
We bring the marine and coastal environment closer to students through our studies
We establish connections between public entities, educational centers and environmental organizations
Universities and high schools

What do we offer?
Programs of activities and educational projects specialized in marine topics for educational institutions.
If you are working on the marine ecosystem, marine issues or marine biodiversity, we offer a program of educational, innovative and personalized activities to complement what is being worked on in the classroom.
We offer that the activities have continuity with what is being worked on and we complement it with several sessions in the classroom and/or outside in order to go deeper into the established theme.
We create personalized activity programs for educational institutions
We bring the marine and coastal environment closer to the students through the topics they are working on
We establish connections between the sea and students in a hands-on experience and through experimentation
Kindergarten, primary, secondary, high school institutions and training centers