
ResMed: Network of marine reserves and integrated management of Mediterranean cross-border coastal areas

RESMED contributes to the protection and improvement of the quality of the coastal marine ecosystems of the northwestern Mediterranean and its biodiversity.
The main partners of this project are the University of Barcelona, University of Perpignan, Government of Catalonia, Department of Pyrénées -orientales-Réserve naturelle Marine de Cerbere-Banyuls, Agence Francaise por la Biodiversidad and Parque Naturel marin Glofe du Lion.

Main objective

Improve the quality of ecosystems and their associated biodiversity through the design and implementation of conservation and management actions that include all essential habitats used by species with diverse life cycles on a transboundary regional scale.

Communication executed

The role of Anèl·lides, serveis Ambientals marins is to create the entire Communication Plan executed specifically for the project: creation and maintenance of the website, creation and content of the dissemination channels so that the project reaches all audiences, design of the posters, brochures, roll ups, to be the visual support of the project. Finally, newsletters are also created and designed so that the public of the project is up to date with the news.


Social media
